Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Question Bank

CSR - Question Bank

If you study the answers for these questions you will be able to answer majority of questions in the final examination.

1. What are the elements of business that make up Corporate Social Responsibility ? Explain each of the elements.

2.What is the triple bottom-line approach ? Explain the three elements of this approach

3.What are the arguments against Corporate Philanthropy ?

4.What are the arguments for Corporate Social Responsibility ?

5.What are the causes for the environmental conflict between the society and business ?

6.What are the methods of resolving environmental conflicts ? Explain each.

7.Which are the UN human rights issues that apply directly to the business ?

8.What are the ten principles of Global Compact ? Explain each of these principles in two

9.How does strategic philanthropy differ from philanthropy ?

10.What are the OECD Guidelines ? Explain the nine principles of OECD guidelines.

11.Child Labour – is this an issue in the Indian context? Discuss.

12.What is forced labour ?

13.What is discrimination at workplace ? Give examples

14.What is the gender bias ?

15.What is workplace harassment ?

16.Write a short note on ISO-26000.

17.What is Sustainable Development ?

18.What is insider trading ?

19.What is the purpose of “Audit Committee”?

20.What is the purpose of “Compensation Committee”?

21.Is product safety a CSR issue ? Discuss

22.Is the safety of workers a CSR issue ? Discuss

23.Identify at least ten areas of focus for ensuring employee safety

24.Who are the stakeholders of a business entity ? Identify five stakeholders of a
business organization.

25.What is a PDCA cycle ?

26.What is a Management System ?

27.What is an environmental Management System ?

28.What are the requirements for an environmental policy according to ISO-14001?

29.What is an environmental aspect and how is it related to pollution ?

30.What are the essential inputs for setting objectives, targets and programmes under
ISO-14001 ?

31.What are the ways in which significant aspects are addressed in ISO-14001 ?

32.What are operational control procedures under ISO-14001?

33.What is the difference between a potential “emergency” and potential “accident” ?

34.What are the difference between “corrective” actions and “preventive” actions ?

35.What is an environmental management system audit ?

36.What are essential inputs to a Management review under ISO-14001 ?

37.What is WBCSD ? Write a short note on WBCSD activities ? (see www.wbcsd.org)

38.Name five environmental NGOs operating in India

39.What are Core indicators as per GRI ? Give two examples

40.What are additional indicators as per GRI ? Give two examples

41.What are the main themes for the G-3 Report ?

42.How are NGOs classified ? Give a few examples

43.Name three subjects of neighbourhood programmes

44.What is the meaning of BOP ?

45.What are the characteristics of the products and services meant for the BOP market ?

46. How does a BOP project differ from Rural Marketing?

47. Name a few successful BOP projects running in India

48. What is DJSI ?

49. What are the different subjects on which a company is evaluated under DJSI ?

50. What are the developments that make Corporates to look at BOP differently now ?

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