We had a quick recap of the last two lectures (What is CSR ?) before starting the discussion on "how to implement CSR initiatives" in an organization. Guidance for implementation comes from ISO-14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000, AA 1000, ISO 26000 etc.
We discussed the meaning of Management Systems. System is a set of procedures, processes and programmes which provide a framework for addressing a specific issue; Management is about the use of scarce resources (through planning, leading, organizing and controlling) to achieve the goals of the organization.
We agreed that we will spend more time on one management system in the class; the rest are similar in approach and so can be understood by reading the respective document. We agreed that we will spend at least four classes on ISO-14001 system; the rest of the systems are similar and can be understood once ISO-14001 is understood.
ISO-14001 Standard: Environmetal Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for use was first published in 1996 and was revised in 2004. About 130000 organizations all over the world have got themselves certified to ISO-14001 standard by 2008. Japan leads the number of ISO-14001 certifications, followed by China. Both depend on international trade for growing/maintaining their economies. ISO-14001 provides a shield against the use of environmental issues as non-tariff trade barriers by western and other developed countries.
We started with the structure of ISO-14001 (2004) Standard - PDCA - Plan -Do -Check-Act.
There are Four sections in ISO-14001 Standard; the operative part is Section 4.
We quickly went through the meanings of various terms used in the Standard.
Before establishing an environmental management system, an organization may carry out an initial review of its environmental issues, procedures, practices, legal requirements and past practices/accidents etc.
4.1 is about the commitment of the organization to establish an environmental management system
4.2 is about the Environmental Policy. The Environmental Policy has to be issued by the TOP MANAGEMENT. The following are the requirement of the environmental policy:
a. It should be appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of the organization
b. It should commit the organization to compliance with applicable legal and other requirements
c. It should commit the organization to continual improvement and prevention of pollution
d. It should provide a framework for setting environmental objectives and targets
e. It should be Documented, implemented and maintained
f. It should be available to the public
We discussed the meaning of CONTINUAL improvement; i.e. improvement that takes place in one or more areas of the organization, resulting in the overall system improvement. Improvements need not take place in all the areas at the same time or all the time; but some of the areas need to show improvement. These are determined by the resources available to the organization.
We also discussed the meaning of PREVENTION of POLLUTION; according to this standard prevention of pollution need not be complete elimination of the pollutant; it can be a reduction of the pollution.
The meaning of "PUBLICLY AVAILABLE"is that the policy is not a confidential document and hence should be available to any stakeholder who has an interest in the policy.
We discussed a few Environmental Policies (e.g. Philips,Kirloskar Brothers,Exide)and we checked if all the above elements were addressed in the displayed policy.
We will discuss section 4.2.3: Aspects and Impacts in the next class
We discussed the meaning of Management Systems. System is a set of procedures, processes and programmes which provide a framework for addressing a specific issue; Management is about the use of scarce resources (through planning, leading, organizing and controlling) to achieve the goals of the organization.
We agreed that we will spend more time on one management system in the class; the rest are similar in approach and so can be understood by reading the respective document. We agreed that we will spend at least four classes on ISO-14001 system; the rest of the systems are similar and can be understood once ISO-14001 is understood.
ISO-14001 Standard: Environmetal Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for use was first published in 1996 and was revised in 2004. About 130000 organizations all over the world have got themselves certified to ISO-14001 standard by 2008. Japan leads the number of ISO-14001 certifications, followed by China. Both depend on international trade for growing/maintaining their economies. ISO-14001 provides a shield against the use of environmental issues as non-tariff trade barriers by western and other developed countries.
We started with the structure of ISO-14001 (2004) Standard - PDCA - Plan -Do -Check-Act.
There are Four sections in ISO-14001 Standard; the operative part is Section 4.
We quickly went through the meanings of various terms used in the Standard.
Before establishing an environmental management system, an organization may carry out an initial review of its environmental issues, procedures, practices, legal requirements and past practices/accidents etc.
4.1 is about the commitment of the organization to establish an environmental management system
4.2 is about the Environmental Policy. The Environmental Policy has to be issued by the TOP MANAGEMENT. The following are the requirement of the environmental policy:
a. It should be appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of the organization
b. It should commit the organization to compliance with applicable legal and other requirements
c. It should commit the organization to continual improvement and prevention of pollution
d. It should provide a framework for setting environmental objectives and targets
e. It should be Documented, implemented and maintained
f. It should be available to the public
We discussed the meaning of CONTINUAL improvement; i.e. improvement that takes place in one or more areas of the organization, resulting in the overall system improvement. Improvements need not take place in all the areas at the same time or all the time; but some of the areas need to show improvement. These are determined by the resources available to the organization.
We also discussed the meaning of PREVENTION of POLLUTION; according to this standard prevention of pollution need not be complete elimination of the pollutant; it can be a reduction of the pollution.
The meaning of "PUBLICLY AVAILABLE"is that the policy is not a confidential document and hence should be available to any stakeholder who has an interest in the policy.
We discussed a few Environmental Policies (e.g. Philips,Kirloskar Brothers,Exide)and we checked if all the above elements were addressed in the displayed policy.
We will discuss section 4.2.3: Aspects and Impacts in the next class